We are professionals and want to make sure we all understand the terms and conditions of using this website:
- Unless you have an engagement letter in hand with my or Dianne’s signature prominently displayed, you are not a client. End of story. I will be speaking to theoreticals on this website. Everyone’s individual circumstances are exactly that. Individual. And since taxes and tax planning are individual, you can’t infer anything from what I write onto your situation just from a blog article.
- And following up on the end of point #1, I cannot give comprehensive tax advice over the internet. There are just too many variables to consider. What I am giving you here is direction. Consult with your CPA or tax person (or our firm) if you need a consultation regarding a specific tax issue you may be having.
- I have another tax blog (www.jerrychyo.com). Dianne and Nick are running Perry Chyo & Company (PCC) as I transition into my next chapter. I will still be working for PCC but not as the figurehead.
- I’m not responsible for anything anybody says on this blog except me. If you act like a jerk, we will boot you. Be cool with everyone. It’s ok to have a difference of opinion, but as soon as it turns personal, you are out of here.
- The contents of this website is meant to help you save money on taxes, make more money from your business, invest safely and give you a general sense of well being (ok, that last one is a hope of mine). Everyone knows that the tax code is complicated and confusing. I’m here to help bring clarity to a messed up topic and hopefully some whimsy to show that taxes are nothing to fear.
- And again, I am writing in generalities. If you have a tax problem and see something that you think might help you, check with a professional before blindly following what you think I meant. My writing is an attempt to explain complex tax laws in regular people talk. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I muck it up further. If I can help steer you to a resolution to your problem I am happy to do it. But I am not giving you advice on your specific problem within the pages of this website.